Yuan Heling (EEE)
Lab Position: Ph.D. Students (2018, Spring)Email: heling001@e.ntu.edu.sg
Office: S2-B7c-05, Clean Energy Research Lab
Research Topic: Power System Transient Stability
Brief Biography:
Yuan Heling is now a fresh PhD student of School of EEE in NTU under Xu Yan's supervison. Prior to joining in NTU, she stayed in School of EEE of UoM for three years. During the period in UoM, her research areas were various related to embedded system, transformer oil under high voltage and probabilistic assessment of rotor angle stability. Her current research area is transient stability-constrained optimal power flow of renewable power systems under multiple uncertainties.
Education:2012 - 2014: BSc student, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, China
2014 - 2016: BSc student, School of Electric and Electronic Engineering, the University of Manchester, UK
2016 - 2017: MSc student, School of Electric and Electronic Engineering, the University of Manchester, UK
2018 - NOW: PhD, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
[1] H. Yuan, Y. Xu*, “Trajectory Sensitivity based Preventive Transient Stability Control of Power Systems against Wind Power Variation,” Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, accepted in Nov. 2019.
[2] H. Yuan and Y. Xu*, “Preventive-Corrective Coordinated Transient Stability Dispatch of Power Systems with Uncertain Wind Power,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., accepted in Jan. 2020