Chen Hongyi (EEE)

Lab Position: Ph.D. Students (2023, Spring)


Office: S2-B7c-05, Clean Energy Research Lab

Research Topic: Data-Driven Smart Home Energy Management System

Brief Biography:

Chen Hongyi is now a fresh Ph.D. student at the School of EEE in NTU under Xu Yan's supervision. Before joining NTU, he stayed in the School of ITEE of UQ for two years and in the School of Science of NUC for four years. During his period in UQ and NUC, his area of research was the recognition and analysis of Burn wound images based on deep learning and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for the localization and classification of armored vehicles. His current research area is on the energy management of single or multiple smart home systems for smart home devices, solar photovoltaic systems, and energy storage systems.

2015 - 2019: BSc student, School of Science, North University of China, China
2020 - 2021: MSc student, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia
2023 - NOW: PhD, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore